District 2430 Mental Health Committee successfully held its “Earthquake Psychology” panel on October 1st in cooperation with Hatay Defne Municipality. This event was organized to draw attention to the psychological problems experienced after the earthquake and to create awareness about mental health with psychological support in society.The fact that it is the first of this panel series that will continue every month during the 2024-2025 period increases the importance of the event.The panel, which was held with the participation of expert speakers,provided in-depth information about the psychological effectsafter the earthquake and provided important resources to the participants. These panels, which attract the attention of the public,aim to raise awareness in the field of mental health.
One of the most important topics discussed in the panel was our psychological needs after an earthquake. Earthquakes can leave not only physical wounds but also deep psychological scars. While the situations such as losses,uncertainty and trauma experienced by individuals increasetheir mental needs, social support systems need to be strengthened. In this context, the importanceof psychological support services offered at the event was highlighted. Such services play a critical role in makingindividuals feel that they are not alone during traumatic periods and in accelerating their recovery processes.
Another importantfocus of the panel was children's mental health.In this section, where parents sought answersto the question "How can I protect my child?", substance abuse committee chair Nida Özşahin Terkuran also participated. It was emphasized that the traumas experienced by children after the earthquake manifest differently than adults. When parents understand their children's feelings, listen to their concerns and explain the situation, it strengthens their sense of trust.
Establishing strong communication during this process helps children cope with their fears. In addition, providing a safe environment and maintaining routines makes it easier for children to cope with stress.
The event also sought an answer tothe question "Where is psychological well-being?" Psychological well- being is an indicator of an individual's general mental health and is directly related to their ability to cope with stress and emotional resilience. After traumatic events such as earthquakes, the importance of individuals receivingprofessional support to maintain and develop this state of well- being was emphasized. The panel aimed to strengthen social solidarity by offering strategiesto increase the psychological well-being of the participants.