Perhaps the only institution in the world that gives every individual Rotary member the chance to serve as a leader. In my 27 years of Rotary life, I have had many leadership opportunities, each of which I have filled with magnificent stories, and as of today, I am experiencing the beginning of a new Rotary year in which I will carry many stories to the future with the motto “Create Hope in the World”.
Every Rotarian should have a story, says a Rotarian elder of mine; How accurate is that not? Because those stories connect us to Rotary, those stories bring us new friends, and those stories tell the real us to those who don't know us. That's why let's write, record, tell the stories we've collected...
The most effective, most successful and proud story of Rotary International is the struggle we fight against Polio with the motto of "People of Action".
From now on, we will continue to work with all our strength to eliminate the problems both with Polio and in the 7 focal points that we have ideally revealed. Of course, our commitment to the values of “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion” will be our biggest driving force in this journey.
I wish you a time when we will find PEACE, the value that the world needs most.
N.Altan Arslan
PP 05-06 Ankara Kızılay RC
PDG 18-19 D2430
RPIC 23-26 Zone 21B